Here’s a healthier twist on everyone’s favorite traditional Indian breakfast/snack. While poha is traditionally made with flattened rice, supplementing with oats provides fiber and lots of nutrients. While my preferred method uses both rice poha and oats, you can certainly make this with only oats. The fam likes to add sev or chavanu on top for added crunch and spice. LMK what you prefer!
1 tbs oil
½ tsp mustard seeds
½ tsp cumin seeds
3 tbs raw peanuts (optional)
Pinch of hing (asafetida)
½ tsp turmeric powder
8-10 dried curry leaves
1 cup rice poha
1 cup oats
1 tsp dried green chili or red chili powder (adjust to taste)
½ tsp @traderjoes chili lime seasoning
Salt to taste
Garnish with dried cilantro if available
1 Rinse the poha twice and let soak for 1 min. Drain and set aside for 10 min
2 Put the oats in a strainer and quickly rinse in running water. Do not soak and set aside
3 Heat oil in a pan and add the temper ingredients. Add poha and stir
4 Add oats and other ingredients and stir again. Taste and adjust seasoning
5 Enjoy with a cup of hot chai or milk!
Food restrictions
🌱Vegan friendly
🌱Jain friendly
Tags: Quick & Easy, Gujarati, Indian, Paryushan